CEOE Castilla y León

Confederación de Organizaciones Empresariales de Castilla y León (CEOE Castilla y León) is a non-profit organization of a confederative and cross-sectoral nature, established for the coordination, representation, promotion and defense of business interests in the Spanish region of Castilla y León.

Being created in 1982, the organization is a key player in the regional business ecosystem, having a long tradition providing advice and support to enterprises. Among its members, the confederation has representative organizations of enterprises at provincial level, as well as cross-sectoral representative organizations (self-employed persons) and sectoral representative organizations (commerce, construction industry, ICT and digital sector, education and training, etc.)

The main areas of activity of the organization are the following: economic analysis, social dialogue, industrial relations, collective bargaining and promotion of equal opportunities within the companies; as well as actions to support professional reconversion and acquisition of new skills and competences matched to the needs of the labor market.